Saturday, August 3, 2013

Just Step Out..

I think one of my favorite things about having a relationship with Jesus is how real it is.  How, when you least expect it, you can hear His voice and feel His presence as clearly as you speak to and physically see your spouse, friends, parents, or to whomever you are closest.  Yes, our beliefs require the faith to see with the eyes of our hearts as opposed to those on our face.  But if we were to allow God free reign in our hearts, the eyes of our face would see Him everyday.  Every single day.  We would hear Him speak a love lesson to us in the most ordinary moments of our lives.

Let me explain.

My husband and I love date nights!  We've learned that they are incredibly necessary (and fun!) in our marriage.  We've gone through short seasons where we were not being as intentional with date nights, a flop we both took part in.  During those times, we would be so caught up in the busy-ness of life that we weren't taking time to nurture our marriage, and it would suffer in one way or another.  We've learned from those failures that it truly takes effort from both of us to make date nights happen.

For Daniel, it is continually pursuing me, attempting to learn the ways of my heart and the desires that lie within.  He pursues me by really listening to me, even when I'm sharing how excited I am that I've finally found a favorite hair product I used years ago and haven't been able to find since.  Do you think he cares about my 'Chi Iron Guard' spray?!  Of course not!  But he cares for me, so he listens intentionally to whatever I share with him.  He pursues me by providing an environment in which I can flourish and grow spiritually.  No, this doesn't mean material surrounding - this is the spiritual temperature of our home and marriage that he sets as my leader.  He knows he isn't perfect, so he seeks the One who is.  He is able to encourage my spiritual growth through his own growing relationship with Jesus.  He also pursues me through romance - sweet notes, flowers, planned date nights; all of the above!  He puts his heart into whatever he does, which is ultimately his pursuit.  Godly, continual pursuit doesn't normally come easily or naturally to most men, but by keeping their eyes on Jesus, they are able to pour out that pursuit we love so much.

My part is through serving and stewarding in our home.  In our family, Daniel works in the corporate world while I am a nanny in our home.  Because I am home more, I can serve Daniel by providing a comforting environment that he can't wait to come home to.  This doesn't mean that everything is always spotless, because that isn't realistic.  It doesn't mean that our home is filled with expensive furnishings or the latest and greatest trends and technology.  But it does mean this: As wives, even when we really don't want to tackle the sink full of dishes for the 4th time this week, or dig our hands into the laundry basket full of dirty clothes, or embark on cooking a meal that will take a long time, we can choose to do it anyway.  We can choose to say "yes" to the little things because we are serving Jesus by doing it.  We are serving our husband by taking care of his needs.  We can choose to say yes because by doing so, we are honoring God.  By doing so, we are choosing to love our husband not for what he can do for us but because that is our command in marriage.  We do it to bless our husbands.  When we choose to bless our husbands (and anyone around us) we are opening our hearts to experience God's love and grace in a whole new way!  I wish it wasn't true, but I fail at these things often.  Some days, I  still choose to say "no" to those things, but I won't stop trying.  I can make it easier to answer "yes" by keeping my eyes on Jesus.  And no, our home isn't filled with the latest and greatest, but I can honor what God has given us by taking care of what we do have.  I can help steward what we've been given when grocery shopping, too.  I can choose to create menus within our budget and shop accordingly.  When I choose to take part in stewarding financially, I am not only honoring God but unburdening my husband.  When we stay within budget, that means we can have a fun date night. Daniel can pursue all day every day, but if I'm not taking responsibility for my choices, we both suffer, which goes both ways. Yes, each marriage is different as are our responsibilities within our families. But we each have a choice to make: We can choose our own happiness or choose to say "yes" to honoring God in the things we are responsible with.

By saying "yes", we invite God's presence into our lives.

On a recent date, we drove into the mountains of Georgia to a locally restored drive-in movie theater.  Daniel surprised me a few months ago with this planned night, and we had so much fun we decided to make it a tradition!  There is a local restaurant with a really delicious burger on the menu, and the atmosphere is lively and fun.  Local bands play on their outside stage which is surrounded by tables filled with people from all walks of life.  Both times we've gone, we've found ourselves at a little corner table by the windows looking out onto the patio.

When we arrive, we sit down, I put my feet up, and we grab each others hand while we wait for our food, only letting go to hand the menu to our server.  We talk to each other, just sharing life, and we people watch.  In front of the stage on the restaurant's patio is a raised water fountain, about 3 or 4 feet off the ground, round, and made of stone.  There is a father with his daughter; a brown-headed toddler with a smile that is contagious.  She is quite fashion forward, this little girl, wearing a white polka dot t-shirt, a bright blue skirt, and sparkly silver shoes.  She has the fearless wonder in her eyes of learning the world around her and the true walk of a toddler; that hard plop of foot with each step she takes, shoes glittering in the sun.  She meets no strangers, even the adult labrador retriever who seems very uneasy with her squeals and inquisitive hands; he attempts to climb into his owners lap as she moves closer.  She sees the raised fountain and curiosity fills her eyes.  Her father raises her up to the wide lip of the fountain and lets her walk around it, holding her hands the entire time.  I watch as she walks around a few times, then buckles her knees as a sign she is finished with this adventure.  Her father lifts her back up and lets her down easy on the ground, where she walks around and delights most of the adults around her.  But she isn't finished!  Back to the fountain she goes, father lifting his daughter.  This time, when she has had enough, she attempts to step off on her own.  She gives no warning.  She is walking joyfully one minute, arms raised as her father holds her hands, and the next, her leg is swinging far out, foot dangling mid-air.

And here is God.

He says, "What if you trusted me wholly this way? You can step out, knowing I'll never let go of your hands."

"Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it." Luke 18:17

The child doesn't question.  She doesn't have fear.  She steps off because she is ready, and she feels the pressure in her hands knowing she is being held.  She knows she will not fall.

What if I adopted that faith?  How could God be glorified if I trusted him wholly and stepped out, knowing He would be there every step of the way?

My life would be changed.  My heart would be purified.  I would be like that little girl, walking boldly through life, no fear of what is to come, only excitement and joy filling my soul.  I would live in the assurance knowing I am loved, in the freedom knowing I am watched over.

I would step out.

Thank you Jesus, for your work. Thank you for speaking so clearly! We praise You.

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